Monday 16 May 2011

Movie Style

I don't know about any of you out there but sometimes I look forward to seeing a movie just because I know the clothes are going to be spectacular.  Water for Elephants did not disappoint.  Okay, okay...the deliciousness of Robert Pattinson helped in the eye candy department.  But Reese Witherspoon's character's clothes held my full attention even with RPAT on the screen. 

Aargh, I love the style of eras gone by.  You know, when people didn't wear their pyjama's outside!!!

Imagine getting to wear outfits like this just to talk about how you plan on training your elephant? 

Oh and let's just wear a fabulous gown for an after work nightcap.  Or don the matching black satin cape for your romantic escape.

You couldn't wear this dress and not have a fabulous evening.  It's impossible!

There aren't many movies where I geek out over the clothes but this one is definitely in the lead.  Another that comes to mind is Rachel McAdams outfits in The Notebook.  And Michelle Pfeiffer's in Scarface.  And absolutely anything set pre-1900 for that matter.  Oh so many to choose from.  I think it would be fantastic if people dressed up to go out nowadays.  No more sweatpants at the grocery store or at the airport.  Well, a girl can dream, can't she?


Monday 9 May 2011

More Wrong

Eeek!  I'm feeling mean today so I'm going to post about some more ugly fashion.  Here we go!

First off, the sleeveless trench.  What can I say but POINTLESS!  I hate it.  I don't particularly care for regular trench coats either but sleeveless ones are just silly.
Ok, next is these new fangled microflare jeans.  Gah, they don't look that great on a skinny model so they are definitely NOT going to do a regular gal any favours.  Please don't fall prey to this new style.

Um, now for big, plastic bangles.  They just look weird to me.  I can't explain this one so don't ask. 

Quilted bags seem to be a favourite, I'm guessing because they are sort of an iconic Chanel item.  But guess what?  Me no likey!!  I suppose they're great for grandma, though.

Eff off to Fedoras!  When are these going to go away?  They just remind me of pimps.  Not that I know alot of pimps.  Ok, I don't know any at all but if I did, they'd all be wearing fedoras.  I guarantee it!

On to shirt dresses.  I can't explain why I don't like these but I think it may have something to do with buttons.  The buttons go all the way to the bottom of the skirt and I have a weird fear that perhaps the buttons will open without my knowledge.  If I wore this, I'd constantly be checking and rechecking that my buttons were all done up.

My current most hated item is the sharkbite top.  This will make EVERYONE look like they have big hips.  EVERYONE!  Not worth it.  Don't do it.  Stop.  Don't even think about it.  I swear it's true.  No, you can't pull it off.  No one can.  Not even a super cute baby girl should wear this.  It would give her self-esteem issues. 

Phew, my rant is over.


Sunday 1 May 2011

God, I love her!

I'm talking about Gwen Stefani.  I love her style even though sometimes she wears things I consider crazy.  She can make anything work.  She's magic.  Here's glorious Gwen at producer Brad Grey's wedding in L.A.

A black and white (love) polka dot (love) maxi dress (love)!
And of course her hair and makeup are absolute perfection.
*le sigh*

That is all.
