Friday 24 February 2012

So, I've decided that I am very unhappy with my body these days. I've let myself gain weight and lose muscle tone in the last year or so. I freaking hate it! None of my damn pants fit, and I refuse to buy new ones unless I get back to my old size. Looks like I'm doomed to leggings, jeggings, lululemon pants, and T's hair elastic button pregnancy trick for now. A non-pregnant woman shouldn't have to use an elastic to close the clasp on their pants!! 

I'm in a vicious cycle of feeling like crap and not wanting to get out of bed and do anything, therefore not losing weight because all I do is eat my weight loss woes in Doritos, and lounge around on the couch. You see, I have a love-hate relationship with carbs. Big, bad, evil carbs. Being a vegetarian that hates to cook and loves to eat crap, I have a really hard time having a balanced diet. My diet mostly consists of pizza and Pepsi. BAD! Soda=evil, white bread carbs=bad, greasy cheese=bad, creamy dips=bad. So today, I'm done. I'm done being too depressed about not fitting my clothes, and I'm not going to let myself be in the same spot or worse in a year. So today, in front of the interwebs, I'm starting small. No more sugary soda, juice, fattening coffee creamer or syrups. Next stop, kicking crappy carbs! I'll keep you posted.


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