Saturday 23 July 2011

Summer do not EVER's.

Okay, people, I know it's summer, but that doesn't mean walk around naked.
I've seen many a horrendous outfit in the few warm days we've had here in Vancouver.
Today, for example. Tanya and I went to the mall, and I saw SO many ill-fitting ensembles.  Stop buying your clothes in the childrens section, PLEASE. No one wants to see your asscheeks, muffin top, or shirt strap fat rolls. UGH.

If you're going to wear white pants, please please please for the love of God DO NOT WEAR NEON COLORED UNDERWEAR. Neutral is a MUST for that type of attire. No one needs to know what color your panties are. Maybe try on your pants first, too? This goes out to the girl with the too-tight stretched so thin see-through white shorts- go up a couple sizes.

Think about where you're going before you leave the house. Sure, it's plenty hot outside, but an air-conditioned mall is quite the climate change. Consider wearing a bra under your crepe-paper thin tank tops so the whole world DOESN'T know you're freezing your nipples off, literally. I don't need to see your - ahem- "headlights."

A trend I absolutely love, however, I saw done right more than once during our excursion. The maxi- dress. Comfortable, versatile, and effortlessly chic. Maxi-dress (that fits, please)+sandals+ sunglasses= easy summer DO.  Tanya, care to share any do's or don't's you witnessed today?


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