Wednesday 20 July 2011

Katy Perry: gotta love her!

Oh, Katy Perry.  You are sooooooo purrrrrrrrdy.  I went to her Teenage Dreams concert last night.  Um, I think that's what it was called.  Anyhoo, she looks amazing as usual.  I covet her jet black hair and porcelain skin.  And the fact that she's a pop star so she can wear all those outrageous outfits.  So much fun!  

 I mean, just look at her.  She's hot, but in a cute way.  Super hard to achieve in my humble opinion.  She attracts the girls as well as the guys.  I can't even say I mind that my husband drools after her because at least he has good taste.  LOL!  Well, on to the point of this blog.

We all know what Katy Perry wears.  She has some crazy outfits.  Like this example:

She wears such things because she can!  YOU cannot!  I don't know why people insist on dressing up (or trying to) as the pop star they are going to see.  I haven't been to a Lady Gaga concert yet but I can just imagine the scene.  So as my husband and I were navigating the throngs of concert-goers we noticed many a horrifying outfit (yeah, my husband loves to chime in on the fashion too.)  

First off, there were the 20-somethings trying to be Katy Perry.  Pink wigs, blue wigs, black wigs, Vargas girl makeup etc etc.  I didn't see a one that was executed properly.  They all just looked like a bunch o' sloozy sloots in their ill-fitting, too tight dresses and poorly chosen accessories.  But that wasn't the worst.  Next is the young children that somehow got to go to this concert sans parental units.  PARENTS!!!!  You must be stupid, stupid, stupid.  There were a bunch of 12 year old girls running around in tube tops, cropped tops and hotpants.  WTF!?  But on to my favourite.  The Katy Perry Cougar.  Oh yes, they were everywhere.  There was one bleached blonde "girl" in a dayglo bright coral tube dress (think 1984 Whitesnake concert and I'm guessing she actually wore it there first) but she wasn't a girl at all.  She was a full-on fake n' baked 40+ year old.  If she glanced my way she would have seen me visibly shudder.  Then I saw another coug dressed in what I can only explain as modern day saloon girl.  You know, with the bustier type action except the skirt was super short.  And can I just add that about 99% of these women did not have the bodies to back up these outfits   Note to self: must remember to bring my camera to these events so I can take pictures of these nightmares.

Yeah, so I wish I had some photographic proof to back up this little rant but if you've been to a similar concert, I'm sure you've seen plenty of examples of what I speak of here.  Oh and there was a guy dressed like a UNICORN with a girl wearing a sparkly stripper bikini.  Even Katy Perry wouldn't wear that you crazy girl, whoever you are.

I know that we only live once and should have fun.  All I'm asking is that you respect other peoples eyeballs.  We don't want to see it.  Or maybe we do?  I'd have nothing to write about otherwise. 


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