Friday 22 April 2011

8 Top Runway Trends...

...according to Allure's May issue that is.

1) Floral lipstick.  Hmm, floral?  They mean floral colours.  Not so sure these fly in real life.  Especially when they try to push the orange.  Um, who wants to look like an 80 year old lady?  Not I.
2) Clumpy lashes.  Seriously?  No thank you.  I take my lashes VERY seriously.  Do not want clumps.  Ever.
3) Low ponytails.  Yeah, I like this.  I rock this frequently since I'm a new mom and it's easy and keeps my long hair out of my baby's hands.  But they were actually talking about super low ponytails, as in, falling out-like.  Not into that.  What's the point?
4) Strong blush.  It's ok.  I can dig it.  But please no 80's stripes!
5) Metallic eye shadow.  Yeah!  But leave the major coverage for the clubs.  A nice sheer wash over the entire lid is nice for day, no?
6) Buns & braids.  Duh, always a do.
7) Monochrome makeup.  Yes, I am a fan.  Always have been.  My favourite look of my past is when I wore Revlon's Vixen polish, lipstick and eyeshadow rimmed around my entire eye a la smoky eyeliner.  Love.
8) Crazy hair.  No.  Unless you are looking to hook up with Frankenstein's monster.

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