Tuesday 26 April 2011

Um, but I want to see beautiful people on tv...

...and in magazines and in movies!

Is that wrong?  I keep reading how people want to see a more accurate representation of the average general population's body type.  I say no thank you to this idea.  I don't think they've thought this through.  The stats are something like 60% of adults in North America are overweight or obese.  I myself am a good 30 lbs over my healthy weight and I would not want to see my double chin on the big screen.  Besides this, I watch tv and movies to escape real life.  I look at magazines to see amazing clothes and makeup on ethereal beings.  Escapism!  

When you are out in public, who are your eyes automatically drawn to?  The attractive ones!  It's natural so don't fight it.  In my opinion you are either jealous of beautiful/slim/hot/whatever people or they motivate you.  Let them be motivational!  Admire what you see and decide if you want to be admired too.  You can make it happen if you really want to.

Oh, and please stop telling me Marilyn Monroe was a size 14.  Yes, I know she was.  In the 1950's before vanity sizing was invented.  Nowadays she'd fit a size 6.  And yes models have gotten scary skinny since the days of the supermodel (Linda, Claudia, Christy, Naomi, Cindy).  It'd be nice to see that healthy, fit model again.  You know, the ones that walk the Victoria's Secret runway but can't be found on any other runway.  Too skinny is as gag-worthy as obesity in my humble opinion.

Here are some of the best bodies in Hollywood:

Tried and true, Jennifer Aniston.  Her body is perfection.  Clothes always look so amazing on her and she has great style.

And Gwyneth Paltrow of course.  Her legs are insane!

And my newest girl crush, Annalynne McCord from 90210.  She has frequent butt shots on the show and it's no wonder.  Her butt is phenomenal!  Clearly she knows this.

Anyway, these are the celebs that keep me motivated and hoping those damned squats will pay off one of these days!


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