Tuesday 19 April 2011

Disagreeable Fashion

I'm going to tell you about a major pet peeve of mine.  First let me inform you of my love for (ok, addiction to) magazines.  Fashion/beauty magazines to be exact.  I subscribe to Canadian magazines Flare, Fashion and Lou Lou (my fave of the moment) and always buy Allure, Glamour, Marie Claire, In Style and People's Style Watch.  I've tried not buying them but I simply cannot abstain.  Hey, it's better than being addicted to crack, right?  On to the pet peeve.

One year they will all write about how something from a past era is crap and should NEVER be worn EVER only to sing the exact same item's praises the very next year.  I understand things change, but come on!  For example, the pleated waist, tapered ankle pant of the 80's.  No woman should wear pleated pants.  I don't care who you are.  Don't do it!  Poof on top and narrow on the bottom has been called a horrifying name in the past.  You know it.  You've heard of it.  The infamous "mom pants" aka "mom jeans."  You cannot tell me these suck and suck hard for 2 decades and then decide they're cool again.  I won't have it.  I refuse. 

Here are a few fashion items I will never wear and don't think anyone should wear EVER!  And when I say that, I mean it.  I won't change my mind.  (Ok, I changed my mind about a fashion choice once in the past.  It was flared pants.  When they first emerged in the early 90's I said "hells no" but sure enough, they grew on me.  But guess what?  I never stopped liking them even when they were replaced with the skinny jean!! Phew.)

First and most heinous, the clog.  Why?  Just why would you put this ugly thing on your foot?
We want sexy feet, no?  Feet need to be sexy.  And feet need ALOT of help.
I'm going to add a photo off the clogs extra ugly cousin, the Croc.  Um, whoever decided these should be worn outside of a garden should have their head examined.  I'm not joking.  This isn't really a fashion item to any sane person, but I thought I'd throw it in just so you can see the relation between it and the above clog.  Clog.  Clog.  It sounds gross.
Good Lord, I need an eyewash station just looking at those atrocities.

Here's a photo of the creepy pantaloons mentioned above, just for reference, even though I know you know what they look like.  This version is trying to disguise itself in a fashion show, but don't be fooled.

And last but not least, we have the mixing of prints.  Are the powers that be just bored?  Or do "they" sit around a table and come up with crazy shit just to see if the sheep will follow?  This pic is from Prada's Spring 2011 collection.  I don't really care for Prada much in general but this is just wrong.  It burns my retinas!

Cute skirt though :)

I have more disagreeable fashion to come, don't worry.  I just don't want to overwhelm anyone's senses with too much grossness.  There's only so much our delicate sensibilites can tolerate.  Plus, I know alot of you will disagree.  But I'm willing to bet the only reason you disagree is because you've been brainwashed by Anna Wintour.  Yeah, I said it.


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