Wednesday 20 April 2011

Leggings are not pants!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry people, but so many of you seem to think that leggings qualify as pants.

If it can go see through and doesn't have pockets, it is not a pair of pants. Leggings are stretchy, no? Then why do they give you muffin top? Here's why - they're too small.

If they are too big, chances are you get a little effect I like to call "Hungry Bum."
I do not want to see your bum eating your leggings. Sorry, but it burns my retinas. EW!

Lindsay Lohan (left)  is the queen of wearing leggings as though they are pants.
If you're going to wear leggings, you need a shirt long enough to cover your crotch. No one wants to see your camel toe, thank you very much.

Hungry bum + Camel toe = THINGS I DO NOT WANT TO SEE. GOT IT?!

Here's some examples:

Camel toe (Top Left). EW! This is where you would need a longer shirt. Combined with another trend I hate - Uggs. I get it, they're "comfortable." I even own a pair, and I'm embarrassed to wear them in public. Wear pants long enough to cover those atrocities.
I believed I mentioned "Hungry Bum"(Top Right)? This is what Hungry Bum looks like! Uggles, is it not?

I hope some of you wearers of leggings have learned a little something from this post. Leggings are great, I love them. The unfortunate thing is, it's so easy to make these faux-pas while wearing them. Once again, the three HUGE NO'S of wearing leggings: Muffin Top, Hungry Bum, and Camel Toe. RETAIN THIS INFORMATION, PEOPLE!!!

Thanks for readin'


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, sometimes these things are just downright scary. I wish people would get over Uggs as well, they don't even look good!
    nice post : )
