Friday 15 April 2011

But, do I love it? A Closet Expedition.

I have nothing to wear.
All women have thought this at one time or another.  Perhaps you are bored of your wardrobe.  Or you gained/lost weight so nothing fits anymore.  My issue is 1) post-pregnancy weight, and 2) my pre-pregnancy weight wasn't great either.  My thought about this is "why buy nice clothes when I don't like my size?"

All the clothes that fit me at the moment are a few random maternity pieces that are tolerable and my mom's hand-me-downs.  My mom looks great in her clothes but I do not.   And as for the maternity clothes?  They are maternity clothes!!  99% uggles.

When I think back to when I was my "ideal size" I can't recall liking my wardrobe then either.  So what gives?  Here's my theory.  Everything I'm drawn to, style-wise, isn't great for my body type.  Boooo!  Take my BFF for instance.  She looks so chic all the time.  I'd love to wear what she does but I would just look like a giant sack of poop in it.  Yes, poop.  Lumpy & mushy (gag).  I tend to not like the things that fit me or supposedly flatter my body.  Dilemma.

So here I am looking in my closet, asking myself "do I love this?" and the answer is almost always NO!  Except my shoes.  I love my shoes.  Too bad they hurt my feet but that's a whole other issue.

Now what?  How do I fix my problem?  I can either accept the things that supposedly flatter me but I hardly care for.  Or walk around looking like a cute, dressed up bag of poop.  Any other suggestions?


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