Friday 15 April 2011

But, I do love it! A reply.

So, T.

I totally get where you're coming from, when you look at your clothes and think, blah. My problem is the opposite. I look in my closet and I have so many things that I do love! I know what you're thinking, "So what's the issue you weirdo?" My issue is confidence. I have so many clothes that I love, yet won't wear. I stick to the same routine of jeans and t-shirts and flats. All the time. YAWN. I get up and start putting on a great outfit, maybe a skirt or a dress once in awhile...that will last about 5 minutes. Then it's back to the jeans or yoga pants and a hoodie. I think to myself: Why bother dressing up? It's not like I have anywhere interesting to go. I don't think anyone should feel intimidated by their own wardrobe, but I do. I look at my clothes and think, I love this top, this skirt, this dress, these heels. I look at what I actually wear, and think blah. How do I get out of my outfit slump?

- A.

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