Thursday 14 April 2011


Sorry to be so blunt, but FAT does not equal CURVY!!!
This association drives us crazy! We don't mean to be cruel, but fat exists. There is a difference between fat and curvy, people. For example, to us fat is like this : (   ). Curvy is like this: )  (. See the difference? You can be a skinny curvy person, or an overweight curvy person, but we've never seen a fat curvy person.  If you're fat, you've got rolls.  You've got a double chin.  You don't have ankles (ie. Kirstie Alley, Biggest Loser contestants).  If you're curvy, you've got boobs.  You've got butt.  You've probably got a relatively small waist (ie. Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez).
The media seems to have curvy and fat backwards. They call Jennifer Love Hewitt "fat"
 yet call Gabourey Sidibe "curvy."

Our theory is when you are really fat, the media can't be outwardly mean so they came up with this term "curvy."  When you've gained a few, you are "fat."  WTF?  So in other words it's okay to call an almost slim person fat but you can never, ever call a fat person fat. Not that we condone using size to bully (fat, skinny, tall, short, whatever) but this is some ass-backwards political-correctness, no? 

Thanks for readin'
T & A

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